Board & Executives

Reliable and credible data for informed remuneration decisions
REMSMART’s Cloudbased Board and Executive Pay survey, is Australia’s source of truth for remuneration decisions.
This remuneration portal was a first in the market, and is a business critical compensation design tool for Remuneration Committees as we approach the reporting season.
Salary Analytics:
ASX data for more than 1,350+ listed companies
Over 9,000+ reportable incumbents including roles from CEO through to Company Secretary and Project Exec
Benchmark pay decisions against customisable peer groups
Filter by organisation size, sector state and gender
Delivered in an easy to navigate and user-friendly dashboard
Subscriptions are fully supported by a consultative team as you need it
Hand audited source data for meaningful comparison where similar job profiles exist
Salary insights with independence
You might wonder how REMSMART performs differently from the current remuneration database or advice you receive from an audit firm. The way our salary survey outperforms any other remuneration database comes down to 3 key factors…
Consider this…there’s a fine line between engaging an independent advisor/auditor, who is also your remuneration advisor. REMSMART offers a completely independent source of truth without the exorbitant fees
This cost efficient salary portal puts the latest remuneration data at your fingertips, combining the flexibility to create custom reports as you need them, putting you in control to decide how and when you engage supporting consulting services
REMSMART enables decision making mastery, giving you more than 1,350+ companies and associated roles, bringing greater transparency to previously hard to find salary data